Apple披露了2024年App Store奖45名决赛者, Apple reveals 45 finalists for 2024 App Store Awards, including a new category for Apple Vision Pro.
Apple已宣布其2024年App Store奖的45名决赛者, Apple has announced the 45 finalists for its 2024 App Store Awards, recognizing outstanding apps and games across 12 categories. 今年的新项目是苹果视野方案类别,它突出了空间计算的成就。 New this year is the Apple Vision Pro category, which highlights spatial computing achievements. 决赛者包括Kino、Runna和Tripsy等应用程序,以及AFK Journey和Assassin的克里氏幻影等游戏。 Finalists include apps like Kino, Runna, and Tripsy, as well as games such as AFK Journey and Assassin's Creed Mirage. 将很快宣布获胜者名单。 Winners will be announced soon.