苹果为其 Vision Pro 推出了一个基于网络的应用程序商店,允许非用户浏览应用程序。 Apple introduces a web-based App Store for its Vision Pro, allowing non-owners to browse apps.
苹果推出了 Vision Pro 应用商店的网络版本,允许非用户浏览不断增长的可用应用程序库。 Apple has launched a web-based version of its Vision Pro App Store, allowing non-owners to browse the growing library of available apps. 新的基于耳机的应用程序商店可通过苹果公司的主网站访问,包括新添加的内容、精选的收藏和“本周热门”等部分。 The new headset-based App Store, available via Apple's main website, includes sections such as new additions, curated collections, and "Hot This Week." 基于网络的店面为那些对 Apple Vision Pro 感兴趣的人提供了一种探索潜在应用程序并决定该设备是否适合他们的需求的方式。 The web-based storefront offers a way for those interested in the Apple Vision Pro to explore potential apps and decide if the device suits their needs.