CUD Davis击败萨克拉门托州42 -39 获得强大的决赛优势 并获得近胜 UC Davis beats Sacramento State 42-39, securing a strong playoff position with a close win.
UC Davis在定期赛季决赛中 狭隘地击败了萨克拉门托州42 -39号 赢得了一场关键胜利 UC Davis narrowly defeated Sacramento State 42-39 in their regular-season finale, securing a crucial win that could lead to an FCS playoff bid. 迈尔斯·黑斯廷斯 (Miles Hastings) 投出了 3 次达阵传球,兰·拉里森 (Lan Larison) 增加了一次关键的 59 码跑动。 Miles Hastings threw three touchdown passes and Lan Larison added a key 59-yard run. 尽管卡森·康克林为萨克拉门托州提供了五张触地得分通行证,但Aggies仍坚持将其提升至10-2,并维持在10-2。 Despite Carson Conklin's impressive five touchdown passes for Sacramento State, the Aggies held on to improve to 10-2 and maintain their No. 5CS排名。 5 FCS ranking.