圣何塞州以双倍加班方式击败Fresno State 94-91, 结束了16年的输赢。 San Jose State beats Fresno State 94-91 in double overtime, ending a 16-year losing streak.
圣何塞州立大学的斯巴达人队以94比91的双倍加时战胜弗雷斯诺州立大学的布尔多格队,这是他们在弗雷斯诺16年来的第一次. San Jose State's Spartans secured a 94-91 double-overtime win against Fresno State's Bulldogs, their first in 16 years at Fresno. 由Josh Udeje和Latrell Davis领头, 每个得分30分, 圣何塞州克服了弗雷斯诺州在涂料方面的强力表现。 Led by Josh Udeje and Latrell Davis, each scoring 30 points, San Jose State overcame Fresno State's strong performance in the paint. 弗雷斯诺州的Jalen Weaver得23分,Zaon Collins增加了22分。 Fresno State's Jalen Weaver scored 23 points, with Zaon Collins adding 22. 两队在周五都面对新的对手。 Both teams face new opponents on Friday.