阿联酋准备准备“10号联合堡垒”, 这是为12月14日在艾因(Al Ain)举行的一次大型军事游行。 The UAE prepares for "Union Fortress 10," a major military parade set for Dec. 14 in Al Ain.
阿拉伯联合酋长国(阿联酋)正准备准备于2024年12月14日在Al Ain举行“10号联合堡垒”军事游行。 The United Arab Emirates (UAE) is preparing for "Union Fortress 10," a military parade on December 14, 2024, in Al Ain. 这次活动展示了阿联酋武装部队的专业精神和作战能力,包括联合游行、野战演习和情景。 This event, showcasing the UAE Armed Forces' professionalism and combat capabilities, includes joint parades, field exercises, and scenarios. 自2017年启动以来,联合堡垒在各酋长国举行,邀请公众参加今年在Al Ain举行的活动。 Since its start in 2017, Union Fortress has been held across different emirates, with the public invited to attend this year's event in Al Ain.