18岁少年在南安普敦袭击中被发现有严重刀伤后被捕。 Teen arrested after 18-year-old found with serious knife injuries in Southampton attack.
南安普敦的一名17岁男孩在发现一名18岁男子的背部和手腕有严重刀伤后,因涉嫌谋杀未遂而被逮捕。 A 17-year-old boy from Southampton has been arrested on suspicion of attempted murder after an 18-year-old man was found with serious knife injuries to his back and wrist. 袭击发生在星期天凌晨1点左右的希尔巷,受害者在医院处于严重但稳定的状态。 The attack occurred on Hill Lane at around 1 am on Sunday, and the victim is in serious but stable condition in the hospital. Hill Lane和Milton路的部分地区已被关闭进行调查,警方正在寻找证人。 Parts of Hill Lane and Milton Road have been closed for investigation, and police are seeking witnesses.