斯里兰卡为12个河流流域发布洪水警报,作为低压力系统办法。 Sri Lanka issues flood warnings for 12 river basins as a low-pressure system approaches.
由于孟加拉湾的低压系统日益强, 斯里兰卡的灌部门已在11月25日至28日期间对12个河流流域发出洪水警告. Sri Lanka's Department of Irrigation has issued flood warnings for 12 river basins from November 25 to 28 due to a strengthening low-pressure system in the Bay of Bengal. 受影响地区主要位于该国中北部、中部和东部地区。 The affected areas are mainly in the north central, central, and eastern parts of the country. 斯里兰卡通常在10月和11月获得每年降雨量的约30%。 Sri Lanka typically receives about 30% of its annual rainfall in October and November. 建议居民采取防范措施。 Residents are advised to take precautions.