斯里兰卡解除了Kelani河和Attanagalu河的洪水警告,结束了10万多人的流离失所。 Sri Lanka lifts flood warnings for Kelani and Attanagalu rivers, ending displacement of over 100,000 people.
斯里兰卡灌溉部解除了Kelani河和Attanagalu Oya河的洪水警告,最初于10月11日发出,原因是暴雨造成10万人流离失所。 Sri Lanka's Irrigation Department has lifted flood warnings for the Kelani and Attanagalu Oya rivers, initially issued on October 11 due to heavy rainfall that displaced over 100,000 people. 水位已正常化,官员将继续监测情况,并在必要时提供最新情况。 Water levels have normalized, and officials will continue to monitor conditions and provide updates as necessary. 该部强调,一旦发生进一步的水灾风险,该部将承诺及时发出警报。 The department emphasizes its commitment to issuing timely warnings if further flooding risks arise.