卡塔尔的麦当劳采用可持续的包装和玩具, 符合卡塔尔2030年的绿色目标。 McDonald's in Qatar adopts sustainable packaging and toys, aligning with Qatar's 2030 green goals.
麦当劳的卡塔尔正转向可持续的包装、用具和玩具, 使用木柴、纸张和植物塑料等材料, McDonald's Qatar is shifting to sustainable packaging, utensils, and toys, using materials like wood, paper, and plant-based plastics, aligning with Qatar's 2030 sustainability goals. 到2025年初,所有餐馆都将提供纸草和包装等生态友好型选项,以减少环境影响。 By early 2025, all restaurants will offer eco-friendly options like paper straws and packaging, aiming to reduce environmental impact. 该公司还正在探索能源管理系统,以减少能源使用。 The company is also exploring an Energy Management System to cut energy use.