在阿联酋失踪的以色列-摩尔多瓦拉比引发了对可能发生绑架事件的担忧。 Israeli-Moldovan rabbi missing in UAE sparks concern over possible kidnapping.
居住在阿联酋的一名以色列-摩尔多瓦拉比失踪,引起以色列官员的担忧,担心他可能被绑架。 An Israeli-Moldovan rabbi living in the UAE has gone missing, raising concerns among Israeli officials who fear he may have been kidnapped. 这一事件是在以色列和伊朗之间紧张加剧的情况下发生的,尽管没有证实有任何直接的联系。 The incident comes amid heightened tensions between Israel and Iran, though no direct link has been confirmed. 以色列当局正在密切监测此案,并与阿联酋官员合作调查他失踪的情况。 The Israeli authorities are closely monitoring the case and working with Emirati officials to investigate the circumstances of his disappearance.