Tolkien和Lewis曾经经常光顾的鹰与儿童酒吧,准备作为关闭道路对牛津的影响而进行修复。 The Eagle and Child pub, once frequented by Tolkien and Lewis, is set for restoration as road closures impact Oxford.
牛津历史悠久的鹰与儿童酒吧,作者J.R.R.R.经常到此。 The historic Eagle and Child pub in Oxford, frequented by authors J.R.R. Tolkien和C. S. 托尔基恩和C. S. Tolkien and C.S. 刘易斯 (Lewis) 将在新所有者埃里森理工学院 (Ellison Institute of Technology) 的领导下进行修复。 Lewis, is set for restoration under new owners, the Ellison Institute of Technology. 计划包括修理窗户、清理石器和修屋顶。 Plans include repairing windows, cleaning stonework, and fixing the roof. 同时,牛津市议会已宣布关闭道路,将道路改道用于公用事业维修,对当地交通的影响一直持续到2024年12月。 Meanwhile, Oxford City Council has announced road closures and diversions for utility repairs, impacting local traffic until December 2024.