由于煤气短缺、燃料价格上涨和通货膨胀,孟加拉国面临严重的商业混乱。 Bangladesh faces severe business disruptions due to gas shortages, rising fuel prices, and inflation.
由于天然气和电力短缺,加上燃料价格上涨和通货膨胀,孟加拉国正面临严重的商业混乱。 Bangladesh is facing severe business disruptions due to a gas and power shortage, coupled with rising fuel prices and inflation. 大约200家工厂已经关闭,预计还有300家工厂将很快关闭,因为工业部门在公用事业成本高昂和煤气供应不足方面挣扎不已。 About 200 factories have already closed, with another 300 expected to shut down soon, as the industrial sector struggles with high utility costs and insufficient gas supply. 专家指责外币贬值、银行流动性危机、以及当前能源危机治理不善等因素。 Experts blame factors like foreign currency devaluation, banking liquidity crisis, and poor governance for the ongoing energy crisis.