在北约蒙特利尔峰会上的暴力抗议导致与警察发生冲突,并逮捕了3人。 Violent protests at NATO's Montreal summit led to clashes with police and three arrests.
在蒙特利尔北约首脑会议期间,反北约的暴力抗议爆发,示威者砸碎窗户,放火焚烧车辆,向警察投掷物品。 During NATO's summit in Montreal, violent anti-NATO protests erupted, with demonstrators smashing windows, setting vehicles on fire, and throwing objects at police. 抗议活动与全市支持巴勒斯坦的示威同时发生,导致3人因殴打警官和阻挠警察工作而被捕。 The protests coincided with city-wide pro-Palestinian demonstrations and led to three arrests for assaulting officers and obstructing police work. 首脑会议有300名代表参加,重点讨论了乌克兰、气候变化和联盟的未来。 The summit, attended by 300 delegates, focused on Ukraine, climate change, and the alliance's future.