Victorian MP Sam Hibbins在接到关于他与一名工作人员发生关系的报告之后,他的办公室遭到破坏,因此辞职。 Victorian MP Sam Hibbins resigned after his office was vandalized following reports of his affair with a staff member.
前维多利亚州绿党议员Sam Hibbins在与一名工作人员发生外遇的消息后, 办公室遭攻击性涂鸦破坏后辞去议会职务。 Former Victorian Greens MP Sam Hibbins resigned from parliament after his office was vandalized with offensive graffiti following news of his affair with a staff member. Hibbins最初计划保持独立,但完全下台,理由是担心他的家人的安全。 Hibbins initially planned to remain as an independent but stepped down completely, citing concerns for his family's safety. 辞职将引发Prahran的补选, 他自2014年以来的席位就是Prahran。 The resignation will trigger a by-election in Prahran, the seat he's represented since 2014.