Scammers通过冒充她的银行和警察而诈骗了4000英镑的Jenny,但她通过欺诈求助热线帮助避免了进一步损失。 Scammers defrauded Jenny of £4,000 by impersonating her bank and police, but she averted further loss with fraud helpline help.
珍妮成为诈骗者的受害者 诈骗者偷了4000英镑 在假扮她的银行和警察后 说服她收回现金 交给一个快递员 Jenny fell victim to scammers who stole £4,000 after posing as her bank and police, convincing her to withdraw cash and hand it to a courier. 欺诈者们知道她的个人细节,并指示她检查这些现金的序列号。 The fraudsters knew her personal details and instructed her to examine the cash's serial numbers. 后来,她利用159个欺诈求助热线避免了进一步的损失,该求助热线在三年内收到80万通电话,并得到了20家银行的支持,占联合王国经常账户的99%。 She later prevented further losses by using the 159 fraud helpline, which has received 800,000 calls in three years and is supported by 20 banks covering 99% of UK current accounts.