华盛顿州温哥华市的行人在逆绿灯过马路时被汽车撞倒后死亡。 Pedestrian killed in Vancouver, WA, after being hit by a car while crossing against the light.
周四晚上,华盛顿州温哥华市一名行人在东北第四平原大道和第 117 大道逆绿灯过马路时被汽车撞倒后死亡。 A pedestrian was killed in Vancouver, WA, on Thursday night after being hit by a car while crossing against the light at Northeast Fourth Plain Boulevard and 117th Avenue. 司机仍留在现场,没有受伤。 The driver remained at the scene and was not impaired. 这起事件是今年温哥华第14次死亡事故, 目前正由温哥华警察局进行调查。 This incident marks the 14th fatal crash in Vancouver this year and is under investigation by the Vancouver Police Department.