伦敦北部各式各样的圣诞表演 包括"灰姑娘"里的变装皇后 还有全男性的"天鹅湖" North London presents diverse Christmas shows, including drag queens in "Cinders" and an all-male "Swan Lake."
北伦敦从11月底至1月初提供各种圣诞表演和家庭娱乐。 North London is offering a variety of Christmas shows and family entertainment from late November to early January. 亮点包括在伊斯灵顿与来自Drag Race UK的明星们一起上演的“Cinders”,在Hackney Empire的“Dick Whittington and His Cat”,在Little Angel的木偶表演“The Singing Mermaid”和“Rosie Robin & The Christmas Post”,以及在Wiltons音乐厅的“Potted Panto”。 Highlights include "Cinders" at Islington with stars from Drag Race UK, "Dick Whittington and His Cat" at Hackney Empire, puppet shows "The Singing Mermaid" and "Rosie Robin & The Christmas Post" at Little Angel, and "Potted Panto" at Wiltons Music Hall. 其他值得注意的表演包括“圣诞颂歌:Scrooge和Marley”和“新冒险”的全男性“天鹅湖”。 Other notable performances include "A Christmas Carol: Scrooge and Marley" and an all-male "Swan Lake" by New Adventures.