Nicholas Jordan对2024年UCCS宿舍杀人案的谋杀指控不认罪。 Nicholas Jordan pleaded not guilty to murder charges for a 2024 UCCS dorm killings.
Jordan Nicholas Jordan被控于2月在CUCS宿舍杀害Samuel Knopp和Celie Rain Montgomery, 于星期五在法庭上表示不认罪。 Nicholas Jordan, accused of killing Samuel Knopp and Celie Rain Montgomery in a UCCS dorm in February, pleaded not guilty in court on Friday. 约旦面临谋杀指控和单独攻击警官的指控。 Jordan faces murder charges and a separate charge for assaulting an officer. 他的辩护可能会在 1 月 31 日之前考虑精神错乱认罪,尽管法官大卫·沙克斯 (David Shakes) 已裁定乔丹有能力接受审判。 His defense may consider an insanity plea by January 31, though Judge David Shakes has ruled Jordan competent to stand trial. 下次出庭定于1月31日开庭,谋杀审判定于4月7日开庭。 The next court appearance is set for January 31, with the murder trial scheduled for April 7.