53岁的Derrick Leron Jordan 因在德尔城的一家企业 谋杀Tony Donnell Ganther 一级谋杀罪被逮捕 Derrick Leron Jordan, 53, arrested for the first-degree murder of Tony Donnell Ganther at a Del City business.
53岁的Derrick Leron Jordan在Muskogee县被捕,在对43岁的Tony Donnell Ganther于11月9日在德尔城Rag市海关遭枪击身亡事件进行了长达一个月的调查之后,被指控犯有一级谋杀、抢劫和持有火器罪。 Derrick Leron Jordan, 53, was arrested in Muskogee County and charged with first-degree murder, robbery, and firearm possession after a month-long investigation into the shooting death of Tony Donnell Ganther, 43, at Rag City Customs in Del City on November 9th. 约旦最初因没有登记为性犯罪人而被拘留在堪萨斯州。 Jordan was initially detained in Kansas for failing to register as a sex offender. 警方正在寻求补充信息以协助调查。 Police are seeking additional information to aid the investigation.