印第安纳州立大学新的社交媒体经理利用TikTok来推动参与和入学。 Indiana State University's new social media manager uses TikTok to boost engagement and enrollment.
印地安那州立大学新的社交媒体经理Marbella Ramos正在使用TikTok等平台上的创新内容, Indiana State University's new social media manager, Marbella Ramos, is using creative content on platforms like TikTok to boost the university's online presence and engagement. 这种办法旨在通过可比较和真实的内容向未来学生发出呼吁,帮助提高入学率。 This approach aims to help increase enrollment by appealing to prospective students through relatable and authentic content. 美国各地的大学都认识到社交媒体作为与学生联系和展示校园生活的关键工具的重要性。 Universities across the U.S. are recognizing the importance of social media as a key tool for connecting with students and showcasing campus life.