安纳伯格基金会和 Annenberg Learner 提供免费的在线资源,以解决年轻人面临的社交媒体挑战,以及“社会研究”系列纪录片。 Annenberg Foundation and Annenberg Learner provide free online resources to address social media challenges faced by youth, alongside the "Social Studies" docuseries.
Annenberg基金会和Annenberg学习者推出了免费在线资源,以帮助教育工作者和家长应对青年面临的社交媒体挑战。 The Annenberg Foundation and Annenberg Learner have launched free online resources to aid educators and parents in addressing social media challenges faced by youth. 这项计划与劳伦·格林菲尔德(Lauren Greenfield)领导的FX docu系列“社会研究”相吻合, 该系列研究研究社会媒体对青少年的影响,包括网络欺凌和心理健康等问题。 This initiative coincides with the FX docuseries "Social Studies," directed by Lauren Greenfield, which examines the effects of social media on teens, including issues like cyberbullying and mental health. 该系列以广泛研究为基础,强调迫切需要讨论社交媒体对青年生活的影响。 The series, based on extensive research, highlights the urgent need for discussions on social media's impact on young lives.