红雀利用贝壳作为天然纤维光学,将阳光照射到内部藻类,协助进行珊瑚保护研究。 Heart cockles use shells as natural fiber optics to direct sunlight to internal algae, aiding coral protection research.
研究者发现心脏壳的外壳像天然光纤电缆一样, 将阳光引向里面的藻类。 Researchers found that heart cockles have shells that act like natural fiber optic cables, directing sunlight to the algae inside. 这一发现公布在《自然通信》上,可能导致光纤技术和小型照相镜头的进步。 This discovery, published in Nature Communications, could lead to advancements in fiber optic technology and tiny camera lenses. 这项研究还揭示了为什么珊瑚比心脏更容易漂白,有可能帮助制定保护珊瑚免受环境压力的方法。 The study also offers insights into why corals are more prone to bleaching than heart cockles, potentially helping to develop methods to protect corals from environmental stress.