加纳警方要求收音机主机协助调查可能引发动乱的虚假选举指控。 Ghana's police ask radio host to help investigate false election claims that could cause unrest.
加纳警方已邀请电台主持人Oheneba Nana Asiedu协助调查虚假选举新闻。 Ghana's police have invited radio host Oheneba Nana Asiedu to assist in an investigation over false election news. Asiedu影片鼓励选民在不同的日子为总统候选人投票, 警方说这可能会扰乱公共和平。 A video showed Asiedu encouraging voters to cast ballots for presidential candidates on different days, which the police say could disturb public peace. 警方敦促媒体保持谨慎, 避免散播错误消息, 以免在12月7日大选前造成骚乱。 The police are urging media to be cautious to avoid spreading misinformation that could cause unrest ahead of the December 7 general election.