前拳击手Barry McGuigan在“我是一个名人”, 透露他因拳击受伤有塑料鼻子。 Ex-boxer Barry McGuigan, on "I'm A Celebrity," reveals he has a plastic nose due to a boxing injury.
前拳击手Barry McGuigan(Barry McGuigan)在“我是一个名人...带我离开这里!” 的参赛者透露,在拳击受伤后,他有一个塑料鼻子。 Former boxer Barry McGuigan, a contestant on "I'm A Celebrity...Get Me Out Of Here!," revealed that he has a plastic nose after a boxing injury broke his original one. 63岁的McGuigan 也展示了他的拳击技巧, 与参赛对手Danny Jones比赛, 展示了他前冠军的实力。 McGuigan, 63, also demonstrated his boxing skills by sparring with fellow contestant Danny Jones, showing his former champion strength. 1980年代拥有英国和欧洲羽毛重量头衔的麦吉根(McGugigan)与其他野营友分享拳击技巧, McGuigan, who held British and European featherweight titles in the 1980s, shared boxing tips with other campmates, highlighting his legacy in the sport.