《我是名人》(I'm A Celebrity)的首位获胜者托尼·布莱克本(Tony Blackburn)在BBC的《The One Show》节目中开玩笑说,该节目面临的挑战。 Tony Blackburn, first winner of "I'm A Celebrity," jokes about the show's challenges on BBC's The One Show.
托尼・布莱克本,第一个赢家 "我是名人,带我离开这里!" Tony Blackburn, the first winner of "I'm A Celebrity... Get Me Out Of Here!" 2002年, BBC的《一个秀》刊登在BBC上, 他向主持人开玩笑说, 参赛者应该“不要这样做 ” 。 in 2002, appeared on BBC's The One Show where he joked to hosts that contestants should "not do it." Blackburn,素食主义者,注意到演出的挑战。 Blackburn, a vegetarian, noted the show's challenges. 2024 赛季以 Maura Higgins、Danny Jones 和 Oti Mabuse 等名人为特色,他们获得了有争议的名人旋风挑战赛新“金票”,一些粉丝对此提出了批评。 The 2024 season features celebrities like Maura Higgins, Danny Jones, and Oti Mabuse, with a controversial new "gold ticket" for the Celebrity Cyclone challenge, which some fans criticize.