芝加哥白队将盖文·希茨和恩耶尔·德·洛斯桑托斯成为自由球员, 终止了他们2025年的合同. Chicago White Sox make Gavin Sheets and Enyel De Los Santos free agents, ending their contracts for 2025.
芝加哥白袜队没有向他们提供 2025 年的合同,使经验丰富的一垒手/外野手 Gavin Sheets 和替补 Enyel De Los Santos 成为自由球员。 The Chicago White Sox have made veteran first baseman/outfielder Gavin Sheets and reliever Enyel De Los Santos free agents by not tendering them contracts for 2025. 谢茨以他的强力击球而闻名,在过去三个赛季的表现下降,自2021年首秀以来,他打了0.227的46个本垒打. Sheets, known for his power hitting, saw a decline in performance over the past three seasons, hitting .227 with 46 home runs since his 2021 debut. 球队正在从令人失望的赛季中恢复, 现在允许Sheets与其他球队探索选择. The team, recovering from a disappointing season, is now allowing Sheets to explore options with other teams.