Hainesport附近的野火,NJ的“大Rusty”雕塑烧毁了40英亩土地,警方称其可疑。 Wildfire near Hainesport, NJ's "Big Rusty" sculpture burned 40 acres; police call it suspicious.
在新泽西州海因斯波特的“大Rusty”雕塑附近的一场野火烧毁了40英亩土地并威胁附近的房屋。 A wildfire near the "Big Rusty" sculpture in Hainesport, New Jersey, burned 40 acres and threatened nearby homes. 新泽西州警察局正在调查11月18日开始的火灾,认为其可疑。 The New Jersey State Police are investigating the fire, which began on November 18, and consider it suspicious. 当局在调查过程中正在寻求公共援助。 Authorities are seeking public assistance in their investigation. 没有发生任何伤害或财产损失,火灾在两天内被控制。 No injuries or property damage occurred, and the fire was contained within two days.