6岁的自闭症男孩Joshua Al-Lateef在社区搜查后被发现死在池塘中。 Six-year-old Joshua Al-Lateef, an autistic boy, was found dead in a pond after a community search.
6岁的自闭症男孩Joshua Al-Lateef于星期三失踪后,被发现死在俄亥俄州西切斯特镇公寓附近的池塘中。 Six-year-old Joshua Al-Lateef, an autistic boy, was found dead in a pond near his apartment in West Chester Township, Ohio, after going missing on Wednesday. 整个星期四进行了搜索,涉及300多名志愿者和几个机构。 The search, which involved over 300 volunteers and several agencies, took place throughout Thursday. 他的尸体在周四深夜被潜水人员发现 His body was discovered by dive crews late Thursday night. 警方尚未发现任何犯规的证据,调查仍在进行中。 Police have not found any evidence of foul play, and the investigation is ongoing. 社区对广泛的搜寻努力表示支持和感谢。 The community expressed support and gratitude for the extensive search efforts.