7岁的自闭症男孩在游泳池里发现反应不灵, 被宣布在得克萨斯州哈里斯县死亡。 7-year-old autistic boy found unresponsive in pool, declared dead in Harris County, Texas.
一个7岁的自闭症男孩 星期三晚上 在得克萨斯州东北部哈里斯县的游泳池里 被发现无反应 A 7-year-old autistic boy was found unresponsive in a pool in northeast Harris County, Texas, on Wednesday evening. 紧急服务部门于下午6时45分在Fox Forest Trail对事件作出反应,但试图救回他的努力未获成功,他在现场被宣布死亡。 Emergency services responded to the incident at 6:45 p.m. on Fox Forest Trail, but attempts to revive him were unsuccessful, and he was pronounced dead at the scene. 调查正在进行中,当局正在敦促为受影响者祈祷。 The investigation is ongoing, and authorities are urging prayers for those affected. 现金池的所有权尚未披露。 The ownership of the pool has not been disclosed.