2025年3月,约旦皇家航空公司从安曼直飞华盛顿特区。 Royal Jordanian Airlines to launch nonstop flights from Amman to Washington D.C. in March 2025.
约旦皇家航空公司将从2025年3月23日起在安曼和华盛顿特区之间开始不间断的航班。 Royal Jordanian Airlines will begin nonstop flights between Amman and Washington D.C. starting March 23, 2025. 星期二和星期日的每周两次服务将使用波音787型飞机。 The twice-weekly service on Tuesdays and Sundays will use Boeing 787 aircraft. 该路线旨在加强约旦与美国之间的联系,支持政府、商界和旅游业。 The route aims to enhance connections between Jordan and the U.S., supporting government, business, and tourism. 这项新服务是航空公司扩展战略的一部分,是对飞往美国其他城市的现有航班的补充。 This new service is part of the airline's expansion strategy and complements existing flights to other U.S. cities.