Van Nuys机场附近的居民抗议租约能增加机场活动, Residents near Van Nuys Airport protest a lease that could boost airport activity, sparking a legal battle.
洛杉矶Van Nuys机场附近的居民担心租约提案可能会扩大机库,增加机场活动,从而可能损害他们的健康和生活质量。 Residents near Van Nuys Airport in Los Angeles are concerned about a lease proposal that could expand hangars and increase airport activity, potentially harming their health and quality of life. 洛杉矶机场专员委员会建议批准与LCC Bonseph Helinet的租约,导致该公司对该市提起诉讼。 The Los Angeles Board of Airport Commissioners recommended approval of the lease with Bonseph Helinet, LCC, leading to a lawsuit by the company against the city. 市议会贸易、旅行和旅游委员会将于12月审查这一问题。 The issue will be reviewed by the City Council's Trade, Travel and Tourism Committee in December.