旧金山以机场名称告奥克兰,声称混乱和商标侵犯。 San Francisco sues Oakland over airport name, claiming confusion and trademark infringement.
San Francisco起诉奥克兰以防止使用“San Francisco Bay Oakland International Airport”这个名字, San Francisco has sued Oakland to prevent the use of the name "San Francisco Bay Oakland International Airport," claiming it causes traveler confusion with San Francisco International Airport (SFO) and infringes on SFO's trademark. 奥克兰认为,改名的目的是增加客运量,反映其湾区位置。 Oakland argues the name change aims to boost passenger traffic and reflects its Bay Area location. 此外,奥克兰也提出反驳,声称旧金山湾的名称不存在商标权。 Additionally, Oakland has countersued, asserting no trademark rights exist for the San Francisco Bay name.