Michelle Stanton因儿子醉睡后死亡被判处四年监禁。 Michelle Stanton sentenced to four years in prison for her son's death after falling asleep drunk.
Michelle Stanton, 29岁,来自新泽西州,因谋杀她6个月大的儿子被判4年徒刑。 Michelle Stanton, a 29-year-old from New Jersey, was sentenced to four years in prison for the manslaughter of her 6-month-old son. 事件发生在2023年6月25日, Stanton在酒精影响下与她的婴儿睡着,导致他的床垫和墙壁之间窒息。 The incident occurred on June 25, 2023, when Stanton, under the influence of alcohol, fell asleep with her baby, leading to his suffocation between the mattress and the wall. 在获得假释资格之前,她必须至少服满其85%的刑期。 She must serve at least 85% of her sentence before being eligible for parole.