印度最高法院批评德里的空气污染措施, 要求律师评估卡车禁令。 India's Supreme Court critiques Delhi's air pollution measures, tasks lawyers to assess truck bans.
印度最高法院正在审查德里政府限制卡车进入的努力,以对付严重的空气污染,并提议在113个入境点部署警察。 The Supreme Court of India is examining the Delhi government's efforts to restrict truck entry to combat severe air pollution, proposing police deployment at 113 entry points. 法院对目前实施GRAP第4阶段限制表示不满,这些限制包括禁止卡车和停止施工。 The court expressed dissatisfaction with the current enforcement of GRAP Stage 4 restrictions, which include truck bans and construction halts. 它指定了13名律师评估执行情况,并将在11月25日决定是否放宽《第4号政府行动计划》的限制。 It appointed 13 lawyers to assess the implementation and will decide on November 25 if GRAP-4 restrictions can be eased.