印度总理莫迪(Modi)访问圭亚那, 强调全球团结与“全球南方的觉醒”。 Indian PM Modi visits Guyana, stressing global unity and the "awakening of the Global South."
印度总理莫迪(Narendra Modi)在圭亚那议会讲话, 标志着印度总理50多年来首次访问圭亚那。 Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi addressed Guyana's Parliament, marking the first visit by an Indian Prime Minister in over 50 years. 他强调了“民主第一,人类第一”的重要性,主张全球合作和团结,特别是在应对气候变化等全球挑战方面。 He emphasized the importance of "Democracy first, Humanity first," advocating for global cooperation and unity, especially in addressing global challenges like climate change. 莫迪强调印度和圭亚那之间的深厚历史联系,并呼吁“全球南方的觉醒”以促成新的国际秩序。 Modi highlighted the deep historical ties between India and Guyana and called for the "awakening of the Global South" to foster a new international order. 他还赞扬印度在支持全球危机方面的作用,并邀请圭亚那青年在印度学习和工作。 He also praised India's role in supporting global crises and invited Guyanese youth to study and work in India.