印度总理纳兰德拉·莫迪在对圭亚那进行国事访问时向圣雄甘地致敬。 Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi paid tribute to Mahatma Gandhi during his state visit to Guyana.
印度总理纳伦德拉·莫迪在对圭亚那的国事访问期间向圣雄甘地致敬,在海外纪念他第21次这种敬意。 During his state visit to Guyana, Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi paid tribute to Mahatma Gandhi, marking his 21st such tribute abroad. 自2014年以来,莫迪在包括美国、英国、日本和南非在内的许多国家荣耀甘地,强调甘地在和平与团结方面的全球遗产。 Since 2014, Modi has honored Gandhi in numerous countries, including the US, UK, Japan, and South Africa, emphasizing Gandhi's global legacy of peace and unity. 这些悼念包括揭幕雕像和参加高级别活动,如甘地在联合国成立150周年纪念。 These tributes include unveiling statues and participating in high-level events like Gandhi's 150th birth anniversary at the UN.