Healthscope 终止与 Bupa、AHSA 的交易,这可能会增加数百万患者的成本。 Healthscope ends deals with Bupa, AHSA, potentially raising costs for millions of patients.
澳大利亚第二大私立医院团体“保健眼”终止了与主要保险公司Bupa和AHSA的合同,影响到数百万患者。 Healthscope, Australia's second-largest private hospital group, has terminated contracts with major insurers Bupa and AHSA, affecting millions of patients. 健康保险公司CEO Greg Horan声称,由于保险公司拒绝支付拟议费用,而保险公司则说,保健公司的策略是不道德的,因此这项搬迁是必要的。 Healthscope CEO Greg Horan claims the move is necessary due to insurers refusing to pay a proposed fee, while insurers say Healthscope's tactics are unethical. 这些变化在2025年2月和3月生效,可能增加病人的自付费用。 The changes take effect in February and March 2025, potentially increasing out-of-pocket costs for patients. 卫生部长Mark Butler敦促双方解决争端。 Health Minister Mark Butler urges both sides to resolve the dispute.