马里兰州和弗吉尼亚州卫生部警告狂犬病与浣熊和猫有关。 Health departments in Maryland and Virginia warn of rabies after cases in raccoons and cats.
马里兰州和弗吉尼亚州的浣熊和猫对狂犬病的检测呈阳性,促使卫生部门发出警报。 Raccoons and cats in Maryland and Virginia have tested positive for rabies, prompting health departments to issue alerts. 在马里兰州Harford县,博伊德路1200号街区的浣熊可能暴露了人类和宠物。 In Harford County, Maryland, a raccoon in the 1200 block of Boyd Road may have exposed humans and pets. 在弗吉尼亚州林奇堡 泰勒路附近的一只猫 被证实是狂犬病 In Lynchburg, Virginia, a cat near Taylor Road was confirmed rabid. 如果有潜在接触,卫生部建议与它们联系,建议为宠物接种疫苗,并避免与野生或流浪动物接触。 Health departments advise contacting them if there's potential exposure, recommending vaccinations for pets and avoiding contact with wild or stray animals.