希腊的PASOK党成为主要反对党,因内部冲突而超过Syriza。 Greece's PASOK party becomes main opposition, overtaking Syriza due to internal conflicts.
希腊的政局已经发生变化, 因为中左翼的PASOK党成为主要反对党, 由于内部冲突和叛变, 左翼的Syriza党超越了左翼政党。 Greece's political landscape has changed as the center-left PASOK party has become the main opposition, overtaking the leftist Syriza party due to internal conflicts and defections. 与Syriza的29名议员相比,现在在300个席位的议会中有31名立法者。 PASOK now has 31 lawmakers in the 300-seat parliament, compared to Syriza's 29. 这一转变可能标志着希腊恢复了传统的政治斗争,有可能影响到总理基里亚科斯·米托塔基斯的右翼政府。 This shift could signal a return to traditional political struggles in Greece, potentially affecting Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis' right-wing administration.