加拿大Tahawwur Rana向美国最高法院提出上诉, 以阻止在2008年孟买袭击事件中向印度引渡。 Canadian Tahawwur Rana appeals to US Supreme Court to block extradition to India over 2008 Mumbai attack.
加拿大国民Tahawwur Rana在2008年孟买恐怖袭击中被指控, 已呼吁美国最高法院阻止将他引渡回印度。 Canadian national Tahawwur Rana, accused in the 2008 Mumbai terror attack, has appealed to the US Supreme Court to block his extradition to India. 拉纳在美国联邦法院因与袭击有关的指控被宣告无罪,但在印度可能面临指控。 Rana was acquitted in a US federal court on charges related to the attack but faces potential charges in India. 最高法院是他避免引渡的最后希望,因为他以前在下级法院和联邦法院中败诉。 The Supreme Court is his last hope to avoid extradition, as he lost previous battles in lower and federal courts. Rana与恐怖分子David Coleman Headley和发动孟买袭击的Lashkar-e-Taiba集团有联系。 Rana is linked to terrorist David Coleman Headley and the Lashkar-e-Taiba group, which carried out the Mumbai attacks.