Bihar学校将课时调整为上午9:30至下午4:00, Bihar schools adjust hours to 9:30 am to 4:00 pm, starting classes later due to cold.
比哈尔(Bihar)政府学校因天气较寒冷, 已将营业时间调整为上午9:30至下午4: 00, Bihar's government schools have adjusted their operational hours to 9:30 am to 4:00 pm, starting classes at 10:00 am, due to colder weather. 日程安排包括8个时间段,午餐时间从中午12时至下午12时40分。 The schedule includes eight periods with a lunch break from 12:00 pm to 12:40 pm. 该指令确保正在进行的董事会考试不会扰乱正常班级,必要时作出替代安排,以维持学生和工作人员的福利。 The directive ensures that ongoing board exams do not disrupt regular classes, with alternative arrangements if needed, aiming to maintain students' and staff's well-being.