一名76岁的孩子死于Brockton的车祸;该地区被短暂关闭,以便调查。 A 76-year-old died in a car crash in Brockton; the area was briefly closed for investigation.
马克代尔的一名76岁居民于星期三上午9点左右死于布洛克顿的车祸。 A 76-year-old resident of Markdale died in a car crash in Brockton on Wednesday morning around 9 a.m. 坠毁发生在Bruce Road 20,靠近特许区2,涉及两辆汽车。 The crash occurred on Bruce Road 20 near Concession 2, involving two vehicles. 两名患者被救护车送往医院。 Two patients were taken to the hospital by ambulance. 该地区因应急反应被短暂关闭,但已重新开放。 The area was briefly closed for emergency response but has been reopened. 警方和验尸官办公室正在调查,促请公众通过拨打1-888-310-1122电话或拨打1-800-222-8477的 " 犯罪阻截器 " ,提供任何信息。 Police and the Coroner's Office are investigating, and the public is urged to provide any information by calling 1-888-310-1122 or Crime Stoppers at 1-800-222-8477.