贸易服务台向Ventura揭幕,Ventura是电视流用的新操作系统,旨在提高用户经验和效率。 The Trade Desk unveils Ventura, a new OS for streaming TVs, aiming to enhance user experience and ad efficiency.
贸易服务台启动了Ventura,这是一个新的电视流操作系统,旨在改进用户经验和提高效率。 The Trade Desk has launched Ventura, a new operating system for streaming TVs aimed at improving user experience and ad efficiency. Ventura打算通过与智能电视制作人和流线提供商建立伙伴关系,在2025年之前推出。 Ventura力求提供更清洁的供应链和更好的内容发现。 Set to roll out by 2025 through partnerships with smart TV makers and streaming providers, Ventura seeks to offer a cleaner ad supply chain and better content discovery. 这个系统得到了Disney和Paramount等工业巨头的支持,解决了从传统电视向流媒体平台的日益转变。 The system has garnered support from industry giants like Disney and Paramount, addressing the growing shift from traditional TV to streaming platforms.