新角珊瑚理事会成员面对公众的抗议,投票废除自己和市长的加薪。 New Cape Coral council members, facing public outcry, voted to repeal a pay raise for themselves and the mayor.
Cape Coral的新市议员投票决定取消先前核准的委员会成员和市长津贴, Cape Coral's new city council members voted to eliminate a previously approved stipend for council members and the mayor, which would have doubled their pay. 这一决定是在公众强烈反对之后作出的,其中包括7 000多人签名的请愿书。 The decision followed significant public backlash, including a petition with over 7,000 signatures. 废除通过了5-3投票在他们的第一天在办公室,与新成员德里克·多内尔和詹妮弗·尼尔森领导动议. The repeal passed with a 5-3 vote on their first day in office, with new members Derrick Donnell and Jennifer Nelson leading the motion.