Michelle Bullett 在 I-91 上因酒后驾车被捕,她的 SUV 里有三个孩子,面临多项指控。 Michelle Bullett was arrested for DUI on I-91 with three children in her SUV, facing multiple charges.
Michelle Bullet, 36岁,哈特福德妇女,因驾车在I-91时受到影响而被捕。 她的SUV中有三个孩子和一只狗。 Michelle Bullett, a 36-year-old Hartford woman, was arrested for driving under the influence on I-91 with three children and a dog in her SUV. 警方收到多次关于鲁莽驾驶的报告,发现她的血液酒精含量超过法定限量。 Police received multiple reports of reckless driving and found her blood alcohol content above the legal limit. 儿童被安全地带走,并通知了儿童和家庭部。 The children were safely removed, and the Department of Children and Families was notified. Bullett 面临多项指控,将于 12 月 9 日出庭。 Bullett faces several charges and is set to appear in court on December 9.