21岁的Brianna Guerin, 带着孩子在109英里处开车, 因鲁莽驾驶在康涅狄格州被捕。 21-year-old Brianna Guerin, driving at 109 mph with children, arrested for reckless driving in Connecticut.
来自新伦敦的 21 岁女孩布里安娜·盖林 (Brianna Guerin) 在康涅狄格州马尔堡的 2 号公路上以 109 英里/小时的速度被捕,她的车里有两个年幼的孩子。 Brianna Guerin, a 21-year-old from New London, was arrested for reckless driving after being clocked at 109 mph on Route 2 in Marlborough, Connecticut, with two young children in her car. 尽管经过多个休息区,她声称她超速使用浴室。 Despite passing multiple rest areas, she claimed she was speeding to use the bathroom. Guerin的汽车注册因保险不合规而被暂停。 Guerin's car registration was suspended due to insurance non-compliance. 她面临数项指控,包括鲁莽驾驶和伤害未成年人的风险,并以1 000美元的保证金获得释放。 She faces several charges, including reckless driving and risk of injury to minors, and was released on a $1,000 bond.