拉斯维加斯警方在Cheyenne大道发生车祸后 抓获三名抢劫嫌疑人 Las Vegas police catch three robbery suspects after a car chase ending in a crash near Cheyenne Avenue.
拉斯维加斯警方在一次抢劫未遂和随后的汽车追逐中逮捕了三名嫌疑人。 Las Vegas police apprehended three suspects after a robbery attempt and subsequent car chase. 这一事件始于G街的抢劫报告,后来在美国95号和Jones Boulevard附近发现嫌疑人。 The incident started with a robbery report on G Street, and the suspects were later seen near U.S. 95 and Jones Boulevard. 追逐最终在Cheyenne大道附近坠毁,嫌犯被抓住,多人受伤者住院治疗。 The chase ended in a crash near Cheyenne Avenue, where the suspects were caught and multiple people with minor injuries were hospitalized.