堪萨斯市警方逮捕38人 包括5名黑帮成员 解除搜查令 收缴武器和毒品 Kansas City police arrest 38, including 5 gang members, clearing warrants and seizing weapons and drugs.
在堪萨斯城的一次全市扫荡中,38人被逮捕,其中包括5名暴力团伙成员。 In a city-wide sweep in Kansas City, 38 individuals were arrested, including five members of a violent gang. 这项行动涉及地方、州和联邦机构,清除了69项逮捕令,收缴了武器和毒品。 The operation, involving local, state, and federal agencies, cleared 69 warrants and seized weapons and drugs. 堪萨斯市警察局和杰克逊县检察官办公室旨在减少暴力并提供社会服务。 The Kansas City Police Department and Jackson County Prosecutors Office aim to reduce violence and offer social services.