中国成为太平洋岛屿国家第二大捐助国,随着地缘政治竞争的加剧,超过美国。 China becomes second-largest donor to Pacific Island nations, overtaking the U.S., as geopolitical competition grows.
中国已成为太平洋岛国第二大捐助国,超过美国, China has become the second-largest donor to Pacific Island nations, overtaking the US, as detailed in a Lowy Institute report. 尽管澳大利亚仍然是最大的捐助国,但中国的援助(现在更注重赠款)在2022年增长了6%,达到2.56亿美元。 Despite Australia remaining the top donor, China's aid, now focusing more on grants, has grown by 6% to $256 million in 2022. 这一转变,特别是针对所罗门群岛和基里巴斯等国家,突显了本区域地缘政治竞争的加剧。 This shift, particularly targeting countries like Solomon Islands and Kiribati, highlights increased geopolitical competition in the region. 该报告指出,自2021年以来,向太平洋国家提供的发展资金减少了18%,引起了人们对债务可持续性的关切。 The report notes a 18% drop in development finance to Pacific nations since 2021, raising concerns about debt sustainability.