在堪萨斯州,一名14岁的孩子面临指控,包括在学校被关闭后威胁和袭击一名军官。 A 14-year-old in Kansas faces charges including threats and assault on an officer after a school lockdown.
堪萨斯州花园城的一名 14 岁学生被捕,并被指控犯有严重刑事威胁、袭击执法人员和干扰罪,据称他在肯尼斯亨德森中学发出威胁。 A 14-year-old student in Garden City, Kansas, was arrested and charged with aggravated criminal threat, assault on a law enforcement officer, and interference after allegedly making threats at Kenneth Henderson Middle School. 作为预防措施,学校被短暂禁闭。 The school was briefly locked down as a precaution. 警方和学校官员正在敦促家长报告任何安全关切。 Police and school officials are urging parents to report any safety concerns.